August 2014

Super Furry Animal and Welsh cult hero Gruff Rhys feeds his appetite for adventure in his latest investigative concert tour (following 2012’s Separado!). This time he’s off to the great American Midwest tracing the steps of distant ancestor John Evans, who appears here in the form of a frontiersman-era felt sidekick. Journeying down the banks of the Missouri with Flaming Lips sticksman Kliph Scurlock, Rhys explores the nature of storytelling, mythology and language, and plays some catchy tunes along the way to roomfuls of captivated and sometimes bemused locals. A rare treasure you’ll want to tell everyone about.

Screening followed by Q&A with Gruff Rhys

Screening of American Interior, the film.

Where music-loving, open minded and chilled out people get together in the beautiful countryside whilst parrots and peacocks wander around!